4 Quotes & Sayings By Kerem Mermutlu

Kerem Mermutlu is an author of fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays, based in Istanbul. His first novel, Altın Yolu (Golden Road), was published in March 2013 by Vatan Publishing House. His second novel, The House Of The Hunter, will be published in spring 2013. He has been working as a journalist since 1993 and has written for a wide range of publications including The New York Times, the Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, and The Kenyon Review Read more

In 2009 he was awarded the Erbil Prize for Journalism for his work on Turkey's Kurdish issue.

I work in a restaurant in an airport in Taiwan. I am eighteen years old and I don’t like my job because everyone gets on planes and leaves. And I want to leave too. Kerem Mermutlu
I don’t know if it was just me making things up in my head but after the fear in their eyes had gone what replaced it was like a sad kind of wondering. A wondering of where the old me was hiding. A wondering about where the old me had gone to. It was like I had suddenly been taken over by someone else and they could see the old me had fallen away for good. Kerem Mermutlu
Something else you should really know about me. When I get nervous, my fingers shake. I’ve noticed this a lot recently. When mother and father argue and their voices are falling around the small family apartment, when their voices are banging against my bedroom door, I can feel my fingers start to move. I tell my fingers to stop and, sometimes, they do. But if I look at my hands closely, once I’ve told them to stop, and I try to focus on keeping them as still as possible, I notice that they are still moving. Kerem Mermutlu